Root canal therapy is a reliable restorative procedure performed in the dental office by dentists at Creditview Dental in Mississauga, ON. Root canals can help you avoid the need for an extraction and heal any infections.
Inside an Ailing Tooth
Deep inside each tooth is a network of blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. If damaged by decay or injury or invaded by bacteria, this soft interior pulp becomes infected, causing destructive and uncomfortable symptoms.
Fortunately, your Mississauga, ON, dentist can remove that pulp from a tooth's central chamber and narrow canals that run down each root. The tooth functions well without the pulp and can last indefinitely when sealed and crowned by a root canal procedure.
The Procedure
It starts with a complete examination and X-rays. If your dentist determines root canal therapy is the right option, they will numb the tooth and drill a tiny hole into the tooth. This opening allows them to extract the pulp, shape the canal walls and seal the area with a natural substance called gutta-percha.
The dentist cleans and seals each canal and covers the tooth with a temporary filling or cap. Healing takes a week or so, then you return to the office for placement of a porcelain crown
The American Association of Endodontists says that your fully restored tooth should last for the rest of your life. Just brush, floss, eat a healthy diet and see your dentist semi-annually for hygienic cleaning and checkup.
Signs You Need a Root Canal
Sometimes, dental breakdown exhibits few to no symptoms. However, other teeth obviously are deteriorating and infected as evidenced by:
- A noticeable crack or large chip
- Toothache pain
- Jaw and gum swelling
- Drainage from the tooth
- Dental sensitivity to pressure, heat, cold or sugar
- Discolouration of tooth enamel
- Pimples or sores on the gums near the tooth or its neighbours
Only your dentist can tell you the condition of your tooth and how to treat it.